Neurochemical reactions:

I seem to be in a very blissful place in my life, and i’ve also decided it’s better for me to start seeing people for the happiness they represent rather than the words they choose to use to convey a message that is so often misunderstood.

I mean our mind is nothing but a neurochemical mix that we convert into conscious thought, which is probably also a place of miscommunication.   When dopamine is high we create a happy story or when low we create sad stories or angry stories, i mean it’s so complex but it just results in our conscious mind creating a reality without fully understanding the chemicals and how we associate it to a conscious feeling.

Negative triggers are a cool part of psychology to look at, words that trigger reactions, which are just chemicals, if we understand that we can start to realize that maybe that doesn’t matter.  Unless you really want it to matter, but I have a suspicion if you really want it to matter, it might be ego driven, but that’s just my opinion.

Sure, I get it, words are a useful tool, and energy is hard to actually feel.  But I think with purpose and intent, like any learned skill, I will get better at reading that energy.  And for me I like taking the path less traveled.  Whether that matters or not is still in the air, but what is for sure is that i’m authentically being myself.

So I’m reflecting love within myself, looking how i can properly engage this energy with the world.  I mean times will change, and I will evolve.  I may find people that meet with me at the right time, I may not.  For me that is not important.  What’s important that my heart is open and my mind is clear.

Partners: when the people I connect with actually ‘feel’ what i’m saying, rather then the norm of judging what someone is saying.

        Me: Bronwin we will be having to much sex and making forts to deal with children
Yeah I can’t have a child
Too much time in such a precious thing
And I don’t want to put a life in this corrupt world
I do like how sex positive you are
Im so drawn to it
        Me :I’m just assertive
        I don’t know if that means sex positive
        I mean I am in different ways
I think you are very sex positive
You can be assertive and just make it all about you and your wants and needs
But you paint this picture of how your sexuality is in a positive way
And how your partner will learn and gain from it
That this experiences are there and it’s up to them to decide whether to be open to them or not
These experiences*
You don’t expect anything from them
Which a lot of men do expect things
     Me:  I have requirements of working on clear open honest communication